Secondly, there is the second type of narrative. Neo-revisionism is pushing the overall construction of Crypto, especially the non-financial construction. This type is primarily driven by Ethereum. They have played a significant role in building the entire Crypto community. Starting from technical concepts, they've consolidated certain media intermediaries to achieve their goals. They practically promoted the term "Budl" as the mainstream behavioral logic in the Crypto community. Compared to the first type, they are more refined and flexible, approaching things in a more systematic manner.
This narrative lies between the design philosophy of minimizing trust and practical success, creating a gray middle ground. And in the next ten years, the neo-revisionist narrative will likely dominate.
This means that topics like Web3, decentralized information, decentralized science, etc., will likely unfold under this narrative. They often collaborate with traditional capital and gather elites with a construction spirit to develop top-tier protocols or applications to enhance the applicability in specific scenarios.
Vitalik is undoubtedly a representative of this type. Builders following this path will likely become vital founders of some economic entities in the next few decades. Their systematic approach indicates stability, not necessarily as creators like the first type, but as key pillars in the new world. The integration of Silicon Valley and Web3 may be a typical example in the coming years, suitable for developers who already possess construction and explanatory capabilities, especially those restless elites from large enterprises and universities.
Perhaps, the second type is more like scrolls or a thick book.
Next, there's the third type of narrative. New speculative-ism dominates the Crypto circle-breaking and public adoption. Many see this in various Web3 application scenarios. They don't necessarily understand what Bitcoin or Ethereum truly is; they treat Crypto purely as a pragmatic tool. This group excels at public adoption, breaking boundaries with the general populace. A straightforward example is Coinbase, which chooses to cooperate with the traditional world. In this narrative, many newcomers are thirsty for opportunities to mine gold with Crypto. Long-term, this speculative approach might be pivotal in pushing decentralization, but ensuring they maintain their youthful spirit will be a challenge.
From a short-term perspective, this new speculative approach has more chances. In the future, as non-financial scenarios like gaming and socializing expand, many narratives will unfold within this third type. While the first and second types might see them as lacking in essence, they are especially appealing to young students filled with disruptive imaginations.
The third type is like swords, like hammers. Looking back from 30 years in the future, how will the next 30 years evolve?
The dominant narratives will likely change: first dominated by the first type, then probably by the second, and then a struggle between the first and third. Each type has its advantages across different dimensions and levels. Combining these types will be a dynamic evolution, and there won't be a strict categorization of any narrative.
The current three narratives have not considered the reform of real-world productivity, but it's possible that reality might not be as promising as expected. In the long run, those who can better integrate decentralized and centralized worlds will probably be the leaders of the three types.
In essence, we all need torches, scrolls, and swords; and we respect warriors, teachers, and the strong.
Their paths might differ, but they converge towards the same goal.
What's most important is that everyone starts from the same place.
We remain grateful to Satoshi Nakamoto for laying the foundation for hundreds of years of grand ambitions.
Having read this, do you feel its calling?